Electronic Meters

Why Did We Receive A New Electronic Water Meter?

Water Districts in Texas routinely replace meters as the old meters simply wear out from use. District 10 conducted a review of available meter technology to determine what type of meter would provide the most customer benefits. The District took into account the financial impact to the District, the lifespan of the meter, maintenance costs, and data information benefits for the District customers. Ultimately, the Board chose electronic meters with automatic meter read ability.

Also known as Advanced Metering Infrastructure, the electronic water meter takes reads hourly rather than monthly. Electronic meters send data directly to the utility, removing the possibility of human error in both meter reading and data entry. This technology also gives customers deeper insight and understanding on how and when they use water by providing them access to their usage in near real time. Customers can regularly check their usage, set up alerts regarding excess usage and detect possible leaks to better manage their water consumption. All District 10 customers will be able to access their unique consumption data by creating an online account.

Additional Resources:
Electronic Meters Frequently Asked Questions
Eye On Water – Sign Up Instructions